15th October 2024

Search Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council

Shardlow & Great Wilne Parish Council Serving the people of Shardlow & Great Wilne

Footpaths (Rights of Way)

Leicestershire County Council is the responsible authority for the Rights of Way network.

Glenfield Parish Council works to protect public rights of way within Glenfield. We will work with Leicestershire County Council to ensure all public rights of way within Glenfield are recorded on the Definitive Map

The Ramblers association provides useful guidance on this:

The definitive map is the official record of the public's rights of way in an area. Just like the deeds to a house prove who the owner is, the definitive map proves that the public has a right to use the paths which are shown on it.

By claiming a right of way we mean getting it recorded on the definitive map. Once a right of way is on the definitive map it's easier to protect it and ensure it can be enjoyed by walkers.

- See more at: www.ramblers.org.uk

Last updated: Mon, 06 Aug 2018 20:04